How excited are you for Halloween? It’s a bummer that most countries are going into lockdown and social distancing. But how about we tell you the ways to pumpkin spice up  ‘The Halloween’ while staying in the comfort of your own house?

Granted Halloween 2022 may not look as exciting as it normally would be. For kids, Halloween is all about dressing up as their favorite Halloween creatures, Halloween candies, and Halloween parties. But what if we found a way to add value to this excitement?

That's right, parents, with all these Halloween crafts for kids, you can teach your children to explore their creativity. Also, use this opportunity to have some quality bonding time with your little ones. And of course, a helping hand for decoration is always appreciated.

Believe me when I say that kids adore these Halloween do-it-yourself crafts for kids. The great thing about these crafts is that they are simple enough for children to do. But, it is also suitable as Halloween crafts for adults. Who said only kids can have fun? 

Now let's get started on the best Halloween art and crafts in 2022; so your kids can rush off with their handmade Halloween crafts to show off to their friends.

  1. Mess-free Classic Pumpkin Carvings

We had to include this one. We can’t call it Halloween without pumpkin carvings. It’s a tradition. Pumpkin carvings are such a great way to spend some time with your family and will look epic on your porch. 

However, not all parents are fond of pumpkin carving. It’s meticulous and messy and you are letting your kid carve a pumpkin with a sharp knife. That's not a sight any parents want to see. And with all that hard work, your pumpkins will start rotting in a day or two. What a bummer! 

How about we create something that is less dangerous and can last you for ages? Have you heard about felt sheets? Felt sheets are fibers of wool compressed tightly together to create sheet-like materials. They are easy to cut, sew and glue. 

Let’s make a creepy scary Halloween pumpkin. 

Things you will need: 

  1. Orange and black felt sheet

  2. Fiber or fluff to stuff in 

  3. Nontoxic glue 

  4. Needle and thread (optional) 


  1. Take an orange felt sheet and outline the basic shape of a pumpkin.

  2. Take out a pair of handy scissors and cut along the lines. 

  3. Trace the pumpkin and cut it one more time. Make sure it's as symmetrical as possible. 

  4. Don't forget to add a stubby stem on top of your pumpkin.

You have two options here. Glue it or stitch it. What's the difference? Stitching is time-consuming but long-lasting and durable. Glue is a quick fix but not great for the long term. 

  1. Stitch or glue both ends but make sure to leave 2-3 cm to add stuffing. 

  2. Stuff with what you have, fluffs, fibers, wool, or even cotton. 

  3. Close up the remaining the pumpkin

Now let's add the face details. This is where you make it look crazy and scary. 

  1. Make three black triangles for the eyes and nose. 

  2. Make a rough W for the mouth. 

  3. Stitch them or glue them

See, how easy was that? Make as many as you want. They will last you forever. Just, keep them away from rain or wet places. Wool isn't good friends with water. 

2. Cats and Bats on a stick

Spookies on sticks are an easy Halloween Craft decor idea. When your kids will go trick or treating, holding on to one of these sticks; they will look adorable and on par with the Halloween mood.

There are multiple ways to create these fun stick crafts. They fall in the easier spectrum of Halloween-felt crafts. So without further ado let’s hop right in. 


What you will need? 

  1. Wooden Skewers 

  2. Black Chart paper or Black felt sheet 

  3. Nontoxic, preferably liquid-type glue


  1. Create an outline of a cat or bat preferably 4 cm in breadth. 

  2. Cut as cleanly as possible. 

  3. Stick them to the skewer using glue. 

You could outline using a white or silver pen. But, if you are not careful enough, the outlines could look like a sore thumb. So, we suggest making a Halloween pattern

Create the outline and cut it using hard cardboard or even thicker paper. Use that cut-out as a guide. You will have cleaner results that way. 

We also recommend using felt sheets over the paper. Papers are flimsy and easily tearable. We know most kids are not that careful. The chances of them tearing the paper while playing is moderately high. 

If you want to spice things up then, use these craft supplies. The felted bat and felted cats have better detailing and finishing to them. It's almost like creating a ‘Pinterestable’ and expensive-looking Halloween decor but on a budget. 

Have your kids make a bunch of these sticks using different Halloween creatures. Place them in a vase and you have an elite Halloween decor that looks like you put a lot of effort, when in reality, you didn't. 

3. Just Pumpkins 

We could not miss out on pumpkins. There are staples when it comes t
o Halloween decorations. You could just have pumpkins just laying all over your house, and it makes it look like you have actually decorated for Halloween Day.

Natural pumpkins are great until you start smelling a foul odor in a few days. And they don't come in the best of sizes. You could eat them, but how many pumpkins can a family eat? 

How about these mini-felted pumpkins? They are small, perfect to put on shelves. They look quite realistic, will probably last you for years, and won't rot. You will be okay even if you accidentally forget about them.

So how do kids use the mini-felted pumpkins as Halloween decor? They come in so many bright colors, your kids will absolutely love them. Tell them to place them all over your house or play treasure-hunting games with them. 

Mini felt pumpkinsFelted Pumpkin for Halloween - Felt and Yarn
Something that you cannot create with real pumpkins is Halloween-themed garlands and hanging ornaments. Take advantage of the colors and create garlands or add stitch a thread on top and make hanging ornaments.

Who said Halloween is only supposed to be dark and scary? Adding some colors here and there will liven up the atmosphere. After all, not everyone is a fan of gore and spooks. 

5. Easy Halloween Themed Garlands 

A perfect decor that's not only easy to make but also fun? Yes, you heard it. Garlands are such a breeze to make. This may be a good chance for parents to teach their kids to needle and sew in a fun engaging way. 


Things you will need

  1. Needle and thread (preferably nylon as they are more durable and thick)

  2. Halloween craft supplies 

That's all you need. Just two things. For craft supplies, we recommend you use something that's easy to sew and stitch. Also durable, you don't want to create a garland that won't last you even a night. 

Felt craft supplies are your best friends when it comes to making garlands. Why? They are really easy to sew and stitch. The piercing of the needle won't create any damage and the garland will last you years. 

Let's not forget about the countless varieties of felt Halloween craft supplies that are available. The detailing on the craft supplies is chef's kiss. Popular Halloween craft supplies for 2022 are a purple witch hat, candy corn, mini pumpkin, ghost, and spooky cat. 


Another decor based on easy Halloween crafts for kids is hanging ornaments. Hanging ornaments are an impeccable way to add elements of Halloween to your house. Simple details like this really help to pull the Halloween decorations together. 

What Will You Need? 

  1. Halloween craft supply 

  2. Needle and thread


  1. Put the thread into the needle.

  2. Insert the needle on top of the craft supply. Create a loop. 

  3. Make a knot to seal the loop. 

6. Make your own craft supplies

We have been talking about Halloween craft supplies that you could purchase. But can you make them yourself too? Of course, we got our parents’ back. Look at these felt spooky eyeballs. Kids will have a blast playing with it. 

Something to mention is, although it’s an
easy Halloween DIY craft, it’s a lot more crafty. On the plus side, it’s more engaging and the effort pays off. Watch this video on how you could completely transform a plain ball into a felt eyeball

Needle felting could be a new skill that your kids can explore and learn. There are really cool needle-felted arts that are going viral on the internet. Just like painting or sketching, some kids really love this form of art. 

I suggest parents let their children explore new forms of art. That way kids from a young age can learn to explore and open up their creativity more. However, since you will be dealing with sharp needles, please supervise your children and provide them with finger guides for safety. 

In case you’re looking for a reasonable needling kit that has everything you ever will need. And be able to make endless needle-felted Halloween craft supplies, head here. 

Honorable Mentions 

We know, we said Halloween crafts for kids. But it was impossible for us to not mention this particular decor. You will soon understand why. And as a fellow crafter, it’s a sin to keep such secrets away from you. 

Behold the ultimate pumpkin cat cave. To be fair, it’s a sleek Halloween gift for cat parents too. We don’t discriminate against any parents here. I mean look at the color, shape, and details. It looks surreal. 

 il_794xN-2411574458_29kv.jpgWool Felt Pumpkin Cat Cave - Felt and Yarn

Let’s have pets enjoy the Halloween mood too. They too deserve to be in trend and in festive themes. The cat bed is made out of 100% wool and cats absolutely love these felted cat cocoons

With some of their favorite snacks and a place to cozy in, that might be your cat’s favorite Halloween. As this item is so unique and uncalled for, you might be the talk of the night. 

But hold up, that’s not all. I still have one more secret to share. What’s the first thing people see when they reach your door? Your door right? Pretty obvious there. So, your entrance should be grand and well-decorated. It’s the first impression that counts. 


So, here’s the cute Halloween-themed wreath. The color is so on par with the whole Halloween mood. Most wreaths are made out of nature, actual twigs, and leaves. But twigs break off easily and leave decay. They won’t stand a chance if it happens to be windy. 

Don’t miss the recent Redfin article I was featured in: “Make Your Home Spook-tacular With These 15 Easy Halloween Décor Projects”


The ghouls, goblins, and ghosts have come out to play this October, which means Halloween is soon approaching. Before the spooky season is gone for another year, make sure you’ve decorated your home to embrace all that Halloween has to offer. Whether you’re living in a haunted home in Omaha, NE or a spooky loft in Vancouver, CA, making a spooktacular home doesn’t have to take an eternity.

To help you get started, I, along with other experts shared fang-tastic and easy Halloween décor projects you can put together in the blink of an eye. Check out what we had to say so you can give your space a fright this October!

Make Your Home Spook-tacular With These 15 Easy Halloween Décor Projects