Do you own a small felt crafts business? Or would you like to establish your own felt crafts business? Well, we are pretty sure you do like the process of establishing your felt business may be easier than you expect.

You can easily find suppliers who can get you felt crafts to start your own business. You can read more about secrets to find the best suppliers in our previous blog “Secrets To Select Felt Supplier

But finding the right supplier to start your business and running your business are completely different things. You get into various bumps that hamper your business while running your business. And here are a few things that you should know before starting your business.

Finding Best Quality Felt Craft Supplier

The first mistake that one makes while starting a felt craft business is finding the supplier that supplies the best quality felt craft supply. Finding the supplier who can provide felt craft is easy as you can find many such suppliers. But finding the right supplier is always hard work. 

The problem with selecting any supplier is that you will find a hard time getting the quality products that you want. And using low-quality crafts in your business is such a bummer. This hampers your business in the long term.

felt quality check

We have already mentioned secrets to selecting the best-felt supplier in our previous blogs. We at Felt and Yarn is the best selection you can make while selecting the craft supplier. 

Like in our previous blog, finding the best supplier can ensure trust and get you quality products at affordable prices. And at Felt and Yarn, you can easily get great products of a wide variety of ranges from one place.

Multi-product Supplier

Starting a felt business means getting into a wide range of felted products to run your business. From felt balls to make crafts to felted shoes, there is a wide range of products to start your business.

However, getting each of the products from a different supplier or wholesaler will be a big mistake to run your business. From increasing your cost to wastage of time for cost negotiation, getting felt products from different suppliers can be a burden for your business.

multi felt products

Hence, it is recommended to conduct extensive research on providers who can manufacture and supply a wide range of felt products. Then you can negotiate and choose the best supplier who can supply you with a variety of products.

From felt balls and sheets to felted rugs and felted shoes, Felt and Yarn provide you with multiple varieties to start your business with. Choosing one supplier can help you to maintain consistency in your product quality as well. This in return, helps you to run your business smoothly. Easy to contact for all kinds of products, you can find what you need at Felt and Yarn.

Two Way Trust

In the competitive market, finding a felt supplier is not a hard thing to do. However, finding a supplier that you can trust is hard. And finding a trusted supplier while working internationally can be tricky.

As mentioned in our previous blog, trust is like glue to hold a business together. And a trustworthy supplier can help you in the longevity of your business. Working with a trustworthy supplier can give you relief and assurance and help in easy bonding with your supplier. 

goodweave certified

But how do I select a trustworthy felt supplier? The easy way to find it out is by looking for certificates that the supplier has received over time. Suppliers certified by certification like “Goodweave Certification” show consistency, social compatibility, integrity, and transparency of the supplier.

Certified by such prestigious certification, Felt and Yarn have been providing customers with high-quality products. The trust from the customer has made Felt and Yarn one of the best handicraft exporters companies from Nepal. 

Best handicraft supplier

Trust can help in a hassle-free workflow and maintain any disputes or shortcomings while doing the business.

Need To Maintain Clear Communication

Communication has always been the priority in the business environment. From transferring messages to co-ordinate, making decisions, settling disputes, etc, communication always plays an important role in business. 

Clear Communication helps to improve the relationship between you and your clients or your products supplier. The need to maintain effective communication both ways will make it easy for you to run a smooth and efficient business. 

felt and yarn customer service   felt and yarn sales team

Your supplier and your communication play a vital role. This helps in easy negotiations for your business and get products at affordable prices. For this, you need to find a supplier that provides the best customer service. Felt and Yarn provide quick responses to all the queries within less than 24 hours. 

Maintaining communication with your clients is also crucial. Good communication helps to maintain customer service in a variety of ways, from generating sales to retaining customers.

Know About Shipment, Warehousing, And Taxes

Felt products are handicraft items and there are only a few countries that provide the best-felt handicraft. And getting your products shipped from foreign countries is not an easy job.

Shipment from foreign countries requires you to think strategically before placing your order. Bulk shipment is the best practice in international shipping and as a small business owner, it will be hard to order in bulk. And if you don’t have a proper warehouse store, you will have problems storing your products. 

ShipmentShipment - Felt and Yarn

Taxes are also another important factor that you must consider while importing products. Your supplier may provide your products at the base price without including your shipment and taxes. This will make product prices look low but you will have to pay all the hidden charges thereafter.

If you own a small felt business, then you should find a supplier that provides free shipment of your products. Taxes are levied by the importing country government and will mostly be the responsibility of you as an importer. 

You need to know about shipment rates, chargers, and any changes in shipment rates in the course of your business. 

With coordination with FedEx, DHL, Skynet, you can get your product within 7-10 days delivered to you from Felt and Yarn. And the best part, there is a return and refund policy also if you are not satisfied with your product. 

Lastly, every business owner will face their own set of problems. Even if you take all the above advice you will still face problems while running your felt craft business. But that doesn't mean you shouldn’t start and run your own business. It is for you to overcome all the problems and continue to grow. 

However, not repeating some of these common mistakes that you are likely to face will help you in your business. 

Shop your craft products through our website and Etsy portal to buy products to start your own business. Also, learn how to open your own handicraft business with just 4 felt supplies here and clever spring ideas for small businesses here